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Lee Chiu & Francine Dulay

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Genre: Docuseries

Filmography: Komunidad Winnipeg

Founded in 2015, Sisler High School’s CREATE program provides high school and post-high school students with educational and career pathways to the creative industries in Canada and worldwide. TV1’s first collaboration alongside Sisler High School began with the show Komunidad Winnipeg, which focuses on the tight-knit Filipino community in Winnipeg and highlights three important leaders within it. Supported by CREATE instructors Marcus Fowler and Jonathan Dyck-Lyons, Komunidad Winnipeg was produced by their film students within the program, which included Lee Chiu, Francine Dulay and Jeremy Legaspi.

What was the most unexpected challenge you faced while shooting Komunidad Winnipeg?

Lee Chiu: One of the challenges we faced is that because we were nervous that we wouldn’t have enough footage to use for the show, we shot a lot, probably too much. Then we would become overwhelmed because then it would take hours to look through all of the footage and it became very time consuming. Over time, and with the help of TV1 and their advice, we started to get better at how much to shoot and when to not go overboard.

Where did the idea come from to make a TV series focusing on the Filipino community?

Francine Dulay: This idea actually was a group effort. Jeremy [Legaspi] and I actually thought of two different ideas. I wanted to have something that included Filipino food and Jeremy wanted to do something with Filipino basketball, and then we just decided to combine it and have it together as a Filipino focused series. We then added Dante Aviso as the third community leader to add something having to do with the arts.